Dr Tamsin Runnalls

LiME Hub Manager


Address: BCAST, Brunel University London, Kingston Lane, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PH
Email: tamsin.runnalls@brunel.ac.uk
Telephone: +44(0)1895 268880
Website: http://www.brunel.ac.uk/bcast

Tamsin began her scientific research career within the world renowned, Queen’s Award winning Aquatic Ecotoxicology group, led by the highest cited and widely respected Environmental Ecotoxicologist, Prof John Sumpter OBE, within the Institute for the Environment at Brunel University, London.  It was here that she studied initially for her PhD (2005), in Environmental Ecotoxicology, investigating the effects of Pharmaceuticals in the environment.  She has a BSc (1996) and MSc (1998) from Plymouth University and following on from her PhD she continued as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow for 11 years, co-authoring over 20 research papers and obtaining experience in both running and managing research projects.  After having a family she decided to pursue a career as a project manager within the Institute for Environment Health and Societies, where she recently successfully co-managed a large European H2020, funded consortium based project.  The project developed autonomous crafts to measure water quality in order to promote smarter investigation and management of water quality in rivers and lakes across Europe.


Dr Catherine Calvelli


Professor Geoff Scamans